Civil Engineering - Objective Book
- Sku: SSCJE0003
- ISBN: 978-93-93531-30-8
- No of Page: 1040
- Publisher: Engineers Academy Publications
- Author: Team of Engineers Academy
- Binding: Paper Back
- Useful For: Centeral , State Engineering Exams like SSC Jen(Prelims) ,RPSC-AE(Prelims ) and Other State Exams.
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This book is designed to serve as a guide for the aspirants for Civil Engineering who are preparing for different exams like State Engineering service Exams, RSEB-AE/JE, SSC JE, RRB-JE, State AE/JE, UPPSC-AE and PSUs like NTPC, NHPC, BHEL and etc. Complete care is taken in the preparation of solutions to the theoretical and numerical questions and this the book also allows you to practice freely on your own as the detailed solutions.
The unique feature in this book is that the SSC JE Civil Engineering Previous Years Topicwise Objective Question with Detailed Solutions. The previous years’ (from 2007 to 2024) questions decoded in a Question-Answer format in this book so that the aspirant can integrate these questions along in their regular preparation. This book is Unnecessary repetition of questions is avoided and error-free questions.If you completely read and understand this book you may succeed in the Civil engineering exam. This book will be a single tool for aspirants to perform well in the concerned examinations.