5000+ MCQs: Mechanical Engineering (English)
- Sku: MEMCQ2021-E
- ISBN: 978-93-89149-22-7
- No of Page: 712
- Publisher: Engineers Academy Publications
- Author: Team of Engineers Academy
- Binding: Paper Back
- Useful For: Centeral , State Engineering Exams like SSC Jen(Prelims) ,RPSC-AE(Prelims ) and Other State Exams.
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This book contains exhaustive collection of more than 5000+ MCQs with solution explained in easy language for engineering students of Mechanical Engineering. In addition, the questions have been selected from various competitive exams to give the students an understanding of various types of exams. This book is essential to candidates appearing for U.P.S.C. (Engineering & Civil Services), State and Central Level Services Exams: Assistant Engineer /Junior Engineer, SSC-JE, PWD-JE, PHED-JE, DDA-JE, SDO, DRDO, ISRO, RRB-JE, PSUs Exams ( BARC, BEL, BBNL, BHEL, BPCL, BHPCL, DDA, DMRC, Coal India, HPCL, HPVN, IOCL, NTPC, BPCL, OIL, NHPC, GAIL, BHEL, MECL, MDL, NLC and Metro Exams Like: DMRC, LMRC, NMRC, JMRC, BMRC, HMLR, KMRR, MMRR, PMRR, Rural Development and Panchayati Raj department and Admission/Recruitment Test and other Technical Exams in Mechanical Engineering.