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Best Combination of Books for SSC JE Exam Preparations

The Staff Selection Commission Junior Engineer (SSC JE) exam is a highly competitive test that evaluates candidates for various engineering positions. The exam comprises sections like General Intelligence and Reasoning, General Awareness, Technical Knowledge, and more. To excel in this exam, a well-rounded selection of study materials is crucial.

Syllabus of SSC JE Exam

The SSC JE exam syllabus encompasses topics from General Intelligence and Reasoning, General Awareness, General Engineering (Civil/Structural/Mechanical/Electrical), and Technical Abilities. Candidates must demonstrate proficiency in both technical knowledge and general aptitude.

Best Combination of Books

SSC JE Previous Year Question (PYQ) Books

(1) SSC JE Civil Engineering PYQ from 2007-2022 by EA Publications

(2) SSC JE Mechanical Engineering from 2007-2022 by EA Publications

(3) SSC JE Electrical Engineering from 2007-2022 by EA Publications

These books compile previous years' questions from the year 2007 to the year 2022 segregated by subject and topics. Every question is compiled with a detailed and error-free solution. They help candidates understand the exam pattern, type of questions asked, and trends over the years.

MCQ Book Sets

(1) SSC JE Mechanical Engineering-Objective MCQ Volume 1& 2 by EA Publications

(2) SSC JE Electrical Engineering—Objective MCQ Volume 1& 2 by EA Publications

(3) SSC JE Civil Engineering: Objective MCQ Volume 1,2 & 3 by EA Publications

These are specialized sets of multiple-choice questions focused on each subject (Civil/Structural/Mechanical/Electrical) containing questions from various state AE/JE exams. These books allow candidates to practice a wide range of questions, helping them grasp the subject thoroughly.

General Intelligence and Reasoning Book

General Intelligence and Reasoning for SSC JE by EA Publications:

This book aids in preparing for the reasoning section, a crucial part of the exam. It covers topics like logical reasoning, pattern recognition, and analytical skills from which 50 marks questions are asked in the SSC JE exam.

General Studies Book

General Studies by EA Publications

(1) General Studies, Part 1

    (2) General Studies, Part 2

A comprehensive General Studies book is essential to tackle the General Awareness section. It covers current affairs, history, geography, polity, economy, and life science. The book contains theory as well as practice questions both. These books are a must for scoring decent marks in the GS section of the SSC JE Exam.

Features of SSC JE PYQ Books

SSC JE PYQ (Previous Year Question) books by EA Publications are an essential resource for candidates preparing for the Staff Selection Commission Junior Engineer (SSC JE) exam. These books compile questions from past years' exams and offer valuable insights into the exam pattern, question types, and the level of difficulty. Here are the key features of SSC JE PYQ books:

(1) Exam Insight: SSC JE PYQ books by EA Publications provide a clear understanding of the exam pattern, marking scheme, and question distribution across different subjects and topics. This helps candidates align their preparation strategy effectively.

(2) Real Exam Practice: The books by EA Publications include actual questions that appeared in previous SSC JE exams. Practicing these questions gives candidates a feel for the types of questions they can expect on exam day.

(3) Subject and Topic Segregation: PYQ books by EA Publications typically categorize questions by subject and topic. This segmentation allows candidates to focus on specific areas of the syllabus, making their preparation more organized and targeted.

(4) Trend Analysis: By solving questions from multiple years, candidates can identify trends in terms of frequently asked topics, recurring concepts, and changes in question patterns over time.

(5) Explanatory Answers: Each question is accompanied by a detailed solution that explains the correct approach to solving the problem. This helps candidates understand the underlying concepts and techniques required to solve similar questions.

Features of MCQ Book Sets

MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) Book volumes by EA Publications are an integral part of effective preparation for competitive exams like the Staff Selection Commission Junior Engineer (SSC JE) exam. These MCQ books consist of a comprehensive collection of multiple-choice questions covering various subjects and topics. Here are the key features of MCQ Book Sets:

(1) Topic-Wise Segregation: MCQ Book Sets by EA Publications are often organized by subjects and topics, allowing candidates to focus on specific areas of the syllabus. This organization helps candidates target their preparation more efficiently.

(2) Complete Coverage: These books by EA Publications cover a wide range of subjects relevant to the SSC JE exam, including technical subjects (Civil/Structural/Mechanical/Electrical).

(3) Question Variety: MCQ Book Sets by EA Publications offer diverse question formats, ranging from straightforward questions to complex ones. This variety helps candidates develop a strong understanding of different question types.

(4) Self-Assessment: MCQ Book volumes by EA Publications provide a valuable self-assessment tool. Candidates can gauge their own strengths and weaknesses by practicing questions of varying difficulty levels.

(5) Time Management Practice: Practicing MCQs by EA Publications under timed conditions mimics the real exam environment, helping candidates improve their time management skills and pace.

(6) Mock Test Simulation: By attempting a significant number of MCQs, candidates can simulate a mock test experience through a QR code scanner on Nimbus Test Buddy, gaining confidence and reducing anxiety before the actual exam.

Features of General Intelligence and Reasoning Book

A General Intelligence and Reasoning Book by EA Publications is a crucial resource for candidates preparing for competitive exams like the Staff Selection Commission Junior Engineer (SSC JE) exam. This book focuses on enhancing candidates' logical and analytical reasoning skills, which are essential for success in various sections of the exam. Here are the key features of a General Intelligence and Reasoning Book:

(1) Logical Reasoning Coverage: The book by EA Publications covers a wide range of logical reasoning topics such as analogies, syllogisms, coding-decoding, series completion, blood relations, and more. These topics assess candidates' ability to logically analyze patterns and relationships.

(2) Variety of Question Types: The book by EA Publications includes diverse question formats, which helps candidates become familiar with different logical reasoning question styles and challenges.

(3) Problem-Solving Techniques: Detailed explanations of problem-solving techniques and strategies are provided for each topic. This empowers candidates to approach even complex problems with a systematic approach.

(4) Critical Thinking Development: The book by EA Publications encourages critical thinking by presenting scenarios where candidates need to infer, deduce, and draw conclusions based on the given information.

(5) Pattern Recognition: Many reasoning questions involve recognizing patterns, sequences, and relationships. The book helps candidates develop this skill through consistent practice.

Features of General Studies Book

A General Studies Book by EA Publications is a valuable resource for candidates preparing for competitive exams like the Staff Selection Commission Junior Engineer (SSC JE) exam. This book covers a wide range of general knowledge topics that are crucial for the General Awareness section of the exam. Here are the key features of a General Studies Book:

(1) Syllabus Coverage: The book by EA Publications comprehensively covers various aspects of general knowledge including current affairs, history, geography, Indian polity, economy, science and technology, culture, and more.

(2) Current Affairs: The book by EA Publications provides updates on recent events, national and international news, awards, sports, and other relevant developments for the exam.

(3) Explanatory Notes: Each topic is accompanied by detailed explanations, making complex concepts easier to understand.

(4) Frequent Updates: The book is updated regularly to ensure that candidates have access to the latest information and developments.

(5) Charts, Graphs, and Maps: Visual aids such as charts, graphs, and maps may be included to enhance understanding and retention.

How these books are a perfect fit for SSC-JE new exam pattern and their contribution to preparation?

The new SSC JE exam pattern emphasizes a balance between technical knowledge and general aptitude. The books by EA Publications combination align perfectly with the revised syllabus. Here are some key features to look for in the best publications for SSC JE books by EA Publications:

(1) Course Coverage: The books by EA Publications comprehensively cover the entire SSC JE syllabus for both technical and non-technical subjects. This ensures that you don't miss out on any important topics during your preparation.

(2) Clear and Structured Content: The content by EA Publications is well-organized and structured, making it easy to follow and understand. Clear explanations, diagrams, and examples aid in grasping complex concepts.

(3) Previous Year Question Papers (PYQs): EA Publications includes a collection of previous year's question papers with detailed solutions. PYQs give your insight into the exam pattern, question types, and difficulty level.

(4) Practice Questions: Ample practice questions, including MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) and numerical problems, help you gauge your understanding and practice problem-solving.

(5) Topic-Wise Segregation: The books by EA Publications segregate topics and subjects to enable focused learning. This allows you to target specific areas that need improvement.

(6) Updated Content: Given the evolving nature of exams, books by EA Publications are up-to-date with the latest syllabus, changes in exam patterns, and recent developments.

(7) Explanatory Answers: Detailed explanations for answers to practice questions and previous year's papers are crucial for understanding concepts and learning from mistakes.

(8) Shortcut Techniques and Tips: Books by EA Publications offer shortcut techniques, time-saving strategies, and tips for solving problems quickly and accurately can be immensely helpful during the exam.

(9) Topic Coverage Depth: They offer an appropriate depth of coverage for technical subjects. Overly detailed or overly simplified explanations may not be helpful.

(10) Online Resources: EA Publications offers access to online resources called Nimbus Test Buddy for mock tests, additional practice questions, and updates. These resources can further enhance your preparation.

(11) Author Expertise: Books by EA Publications are written by authors with expertise in the field and experience in SSC JE exam coaching is likely to provide valuable insights and effective teaching methods.

(12) Reviews and Recommendations: EA Publications gained positive reviews and recommendations from other SSC JE aspirants who have found the books helpful in their preparation.


A well-planned combination of study material by EA Publications is the main tool for SSC JE exam preparation. The suggested books collectively cover the entire syllabus, offering a strategic advantage. Aspirants can gain insights from previous years' questions, practice diverse MCQs, enhance reasoning skills, and stay informed about general knowledge.

SSC JE PYQ Books: In-depth coverage of previous years' questions to provide insight into the exam pattern and difficulty level.

MCQ Book Sets: Extensive question banks with varying difficulty levels to cater to different preparation stages.

General Intelligence and Reasoning Book: Detailed explanations of different reasoning concepts with ample practice exercises.

General Studies Book: Comprehensive coverage of general knowledge topics with a focus on recent developments

By utilizing these resources effectively, candidates can confidently approach the SSC JE exam and maximize their chances of success. Remember that the quality of your study materials significantly impacts your understanding of concepts and overall exam performance. By considering these key features, you can select study materials by EA Publications for SSC JE exam preparation that align with your learning style and requirements.

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