How to Prepare for SSC JE with New Exam Pattern
SSC JE Exam: About
The SSC JE (Staff Selection Commission Junior Engineer) exam is conducted every year to recruit Junior Engineers in various government departments and organizations. Candidates with a degree or diploma in Civil, Mechanical or Electrical Engineering can apply for this exam. The SSC JE exam consists of two papers: Paper-I, which is objective in nature and tests candidates on their technical knowledge, General Intelligence and Reasoning along with General Awareness, and Paper-II which used to be a descriptive paper focused purely on engineering concepts.
SSC JE Exam: Recent Changes
The recent notification by the SSC has announced a change in the Exam Pattern of SSC JE. From 2023 onwards, the SSC JE Mains Exam will be conducted in an objective format where 100 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) will be asked from technical subjects only.
SSC JE Exam: Prelims Stage
The preparation for the Prelims as well as the Mains stage are not done separately, rather both the stages have to be prepared simultaneously. For SSC JE Prelims Stage, students can prefer SSC JE Prelims Previous year Questions with detailed Solution by Engineers Academy Publications which has published this book with very detailed and neatly explained solutions for each and every question asked in SSC JE Prelims Exam. Also, the explanation given in the solutions will also clear the concepts related to the topic asked in the question. Additionally, the General Awareness Book along with the General Intelligence and Reasoning book by Engineers Academy publications provides comprehensive knowledge of All the Non-Technical topics of the SSC JE Prelims Stage.
General Awareness Books are available in two volumes. Volume 1 contains the detailed theory of Indian history, Indian Economy, and General Science for Technical Exams like SSC JE, RRB JE, PSUs Exam, and other State A.En/J.En Exams along with practice questions at the end of each topic. All the content of this book is present in bilingual format i.e. everything is present in Hindi as well as English Language. This is highly recommended for SSC JE, RRB JE, PSUs Exam, and other State A.En/J.En Exams. Volume 2 contains the detailed theory of Indian Geography & Indian Polity for Technical Exams like SSC JE, RRB JE, PSUs Exam, and other State A.En/J.En Exams along with practice questions at the end of each topic. All the content of this book is present in bilingual format i.e. everything is present in Hindi as well as English Language. This is highly recommended for SSC JE, RRB JE, PSUs Exam, and other State A.En/J.En Exams.
General Intelligence and Reasoning book contains Previous Year Questions of SSC JE Prelims and practice questions in a topic-wise manner with detailed and error-free solutions in bilingual format i.e. all the Questions of this book are in Hindi and English both languages. It can also be used for exams like RRB JE, PSU JE & State AE or JE Exams.
With such brilliant books in hand, the SSC JE Prelims stage will be a piece of cake for Students studying from Engineers Academy Publications.
SSC JE Exam: Mains Stage
Since the level of difficulty will be quite unpredictable for the SSC JE Mains exam now, therefore, no stone should be left unturned for this stage. Hence, a comprehensive methodology should be adopted to prepare for the SSC JE Mains exam according to the new exam pattern.
To prepare for this new exam pattern of SSC JE Mains, heavy numbers of questions are to be practiced for every branch as the questions will be more difficult in nature as compared to the Prelims stage.
SSC JE Exam: Books for Civil Engineering
For Civil Engineering MCQ Books by Engineers, Academy Publications should be practiced thoroughly which are available in three volumes. The first Volume contains near about 3000 Questions on the Strength of Materials, Theory of Structures, Reinforced Cement Concrete, and Steel Structures with detailed and error-free solutions. Volume 2 contains near about 5000 Questions from Building Materials and constructions, Estimation and Costing, PERT & CPM, Soil Mechanics, and Foundation and Surveying with detailed and error-free solutions. Volume 3 contains near about 5000 Questions from Fluid Mechanics, Hydrology and Irrigation, Environmental Engineering, and Transportation Engineering with detailed and error-free solutions. Therefore, more than 14000 questions are available for practice which will improve speed and accuracy for students in the SSC JE Mains new exam pattern.
SSC JE Exam: Books for Mechanical Engineering
For Mechanical Engineering, MCQ Books by Engineers Academy Publications should be practiced thoroughly which are available in two volumes. The first Volume contains near about 4000 Questions on Fluid Mechanics, Thermodynamics, I C Engine, Powerplant, RAC & Heat, and mass Transfer with detailed and error-free solutions. The second volume contains near about 4300 Questions from the Strength of Materials, Theory of Machines, Machine Design, Industrial Engineering, Production Engineering, and Engineering Mechanics with detailed and error-free solutions. Therefore, more than 8000 questions are available for practice which will improve speed and accuracy for students in the SSC JE Mains new exam pattern.
SSC JE Exam: Books for Electrical Engineering
For Electrical Engineering, MCQ Books by Engineers Academy Publications should be practiced thoroughly which are available in two volumes. The first Volume contains near about 5000 Questions from Network Theory, Electrical Machines, Power Electronics, and digital Electronics with detailed and error-free solutions. The second volume contains more than 4000 Questions about Power systems, Measurement, Control systems, and basic Electronics with detailed and error-free solutions. Therefore, more than 9000 questions are available for practice which will improve speed and accuracy for students in the SSC JE Mains new exam pattern.
All these MCQ Books of Civil, Mechanical, and Electrical Engineering branches cover various State Level A.En & J.En Exams along with PSUs exams of A. En & J.En level in the English language. These books are new-generation smart Editions that contain QR code at the end of the book which will redirect to subject-wise Evaluation Tests for students. Also, at the end of the books, 5 QR Codes are available for Full-length Mock Tests of these books.
Practicing from these books and having timely revision can help students gain confidence and improve their speed and accuracy in attempting objective questions. With so many features and so little price, these SSC JE books are surely the best choice for students who are looking forward to scoring the best marks with the new SSC JE Mains Exam pattern.